Fire Water Flit - AP Packin x Packin Sixes
Proven Performer - Proven Sire

Winning barrel racing, multiple futurity and derby finalist, 1D winner and rodeo money earner.
Sire of futurity, derby, 1D, rodeo and youth champions
Backed by Champion Bloodlines
Nominated to the Canadian Barrel Horse Incentive, Valley Girls Barrel Racing Association and the Superstakes
APHA Approved, 5 panel N/N
Fresh and frozen Semen available
Breeding Fee $1000 LFG (includes booking Fee)
Fire Water Flit
Leading sire and sire of NFR Qualifiers, AQHA World Champions, APHA Champions, WPRA World Champions and sire of money earners in excess of $5,000,000
AP Packin
Barrel Futurity and Derby Finalist Producer
Flit Bar
Sire of AQHA Champions, AQHA World Champion, ROM Race, ROM Performance, World Champion W.P.R.A, NFR Qualifiers
Slash J Harletta
AQHA Champion, ROM Arena, NFR Qualifier & 3-time NFR Qualifier Producer
*Broodmare of the Year*
Packin Sixes
Sire of the only Barrel Racing Triple Crown Winner, Leading barrel horse sire with several on the all time leading barrel horses by money earned
Sugar Bars
Frog's Annette
Streakin Six
Small Favours
AA SI-87
AAA, AA and Rom Race Producer